Monday, December 4, 2017

Reflection Connection: December

YOU GUYS! I feel like a little kid this time of year because I LOVE the Christmas season! As soon as Thanksgiving is over, I'm whisking out all of the decorations and blaring Christmas music in the house. It's truly the most wonderful time of the year! This month's Reflection Connection is all about joy.

Entry 5: What brings you the most joy each day?

My Response: On a professional level, seeing my students collaborate well with their classmates and make good decisions brings me the most joy. As a teacher, I aim to help my students learn how to be compassionate individuals who can navigate our diverse world with understanding and kindness. Watching them learn those skills and deal with challenges in a productive way brings so much joy to my heart because I know (hope!) that these are skills they'll take with them long after they leave my classroom.

Your turn: What brings you the most joy each day?

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