Now that it's October, we've settled into the rhythm of the school year. Classroom expectations have been established, we know all our students' names and half of our year's supply of pencils is already missing. :) The first weeks of school jitters are behind us and new challenges rise to confront us on both personal and professional levels. This month, let's reflect on those challenges we're facing and create an action plan for how we can solve those issues.
Entry 3: What challenges are your facing in school? What is your action plan for solving these issues?
My Response: One challenge that I'm currently facing is finding effective strategies to keep students' work organized - primarily for those who seem to lose everything! I've developed a binder organizational system, post homework and assignments in my classroom and online as well as work with those students on an individual basis. Somehow, though, a few students still seem to lose work despite all my efforts! Does this happen to you? What is your strategy for helping those students?
One policy I'm going to try this year is binder checks. I'm hoping it provides an extra incentive for my kiddos to stay organized while at the same time setting up a system that keeps me routinely checking on their organizational skills and offering assistance when necessary.
Your turn! What challenges are you facing and what is your plan of action?
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