It’s no secret in my classroom that I’m always on the hunt
for an engaging review game for my students. They’re always so excited to play
a game before tests and it allows me to see if there are any concepts that need
to be addressed again before an assessment. I’m excited to share these ideas
with you, all of which have been given the student nod of approval!
Jeopardy-style Review
Game: This is a classic staple of many classrooms, including mine! Teams
compete to win the game all while reviewing questions related to our content.
I’ve played the game as a whole-class activity and in small groups if my
students have access to laptops for the day. It’s fun to act like a game show
host for the day! I even play it up sometimes by having teams make up their own
team name. Usually they compete for an extra credit point or two on our next
test. It’s pretty easy to find a ready-made template online. All you have to do
is make up your own questions! Using a standard board with 25 questions usually takes up about 40 minutes or so. I typically create two boards to maximize review time in class. It's hard to estimate how long a class will take playing the game so I come prepared each time! Oh - and don't forget the final question! The game can be won or lost in those last 5 minutes. It creates quite an exciting finale!

Bingo: If you’re
looking for a more individualized review experience, a bingo-style game is a
great choice. I’ve used bingo-style games before (like this Causes of the Revolutionary War Bingo Game in my TpT store) and it’s a quick, informal way to
review key terms, important figures, concepts, etc. I love creating bingo
boards that are easily customizable by students. It’s important that every
board be different and students can quickly fill in the squares on the board
from the list of important concepts at the bottom of the game board. It’s an
efficient use of time for me AND the students. A win-win!
Attack: I found
this FREE review game on Teachers Pay Teachers by the amazing Math in the
Middle. It. Is. Amazing. The game, called "Attack!", uses pictures of castles (or any other image
that relates to your curriculum), which groups of students can “attack” by
getting answers to your questions correct. It’s a huge hit in my classroom and
every time we play, students think of new rules to add to the game. They
recently added a rule that allows teams to help rebuild castles in an effort to
form alliances with other “kingdoms”.
They hardly even know they’re reviewing content! ;)
Paper Toss: An
old one but a good one. It’s been called by many names but it’s still a
favorite for kids of all ages. Sometimes I save scraps of paper before it hits
the recycle bin. Other times I wait until the end of the year and the kids
recycle all of their paper one last time. To facilitate comradery, I usually
put students into groups of 4. Each student gets the chance to answer a
question. If they get it right, their group gets a point and they get to try to
shoot for a basket in an attempt to earn an additional point. We always make sure to recycle the paper at
the end of the class! And the best part? A few minutes before the end of class,
all the students get to throw their paper into the wastebasket in what can only
be described as a big, friendly paper ball fight!
Like I said at the beginning, I'm ALWAYS on the hunt for new review games. If you have any suggestions to share with me, please tell me in the comments! I'm sure I'm not the only one who would appreciate some new ideas. Make sure to take a peek into the comments yourself to see if any inspiration strikes you! :)
~The Teacher's Prep